Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29th, FRIDAY "What wall?"

Today is day 2 of the 100 burpee challenge. If you missed day 1 you can buy in today at the cost of 3 burpees. Tomorrow is day 3 all crossfitters present can, in unison, do the prescribed burpees for day 3. Anyone wishing to join the challenge can join in by doing 6 burpees. After day 10 no one else will be allowed to officially join. The 100 days will go quickly and the feeling of a sh*t load of burpees will last much longer but the party on day 101 will be worth all the pain.

PASSION....a strong feeling about a subject, activity, or person, usually of intense desire and attraction. Find your passion in life and persue what makes you happy life is too short for regret and sorrow! Be passionate about fitness..lust for life and all it has to offer!

Todays WALL!

1. cals 2x

2. 25 ft frog jumps
25 ft duck walks
4 x

3. "What Wall?"
25 wall ball
25 ring dips
25 sit ups
25 DBL unders (100 singles)
4 X for time

Rory 16:49
Niki 17:36
Carrie 15:11
Kelly 22:37 * (as perscribed!) stud!
Tammy 12:22
Ripsime 20:51
Bob 14:13
Amber 13:07

MNay 29th

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