Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8th " Double your pleasure"

Sorry this post is a day behind but Monday hit us hard and it was an exceptionally long day. Anyway..better late than never!!

The workout today included a wonderful thing called the double under utilizing a jump rope. The video above is the best description on the web for doing a double under. This guy is amazing! Stephen...you better get to practicing!!!

1. cals 2x

2. skill work
double unders

3. 21 thrusters (95 lbs)
21 DBL unders
5 X for time

Kelly 22:28*
Stephen 11:49*
Evelyn 26:54* you are the MAN!
Marissa 14:09
Holly 14:08
Niki 15:47
Rory 11:11
John L. 14:52
Aubrey 19:27
Tammy 19:42* Evelyn look out!!
LJ 22:52
Javier 30:19

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