Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31st "Spring Fling"

1. cals 2x

2.tabata push ups

3. "Spring Fling"
400 m run
20 OH walking lunges(10 each side)
25 tire jumps
4 x for time

Jessica 12/16:15
Dru 6/17:32
Carrie 9/18:38
Stephen 17/17:42
Allen 8/28:51
Cindy /22:52
Rachel /21:24
Tammy 8/24:03

Click pic below to veiw todays outdoor adventures...
march31 st

Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday, March 28th

1. cals 2x

2. partner slamball
30 sec work
30 sec rest
4 X

3. "Oh my aching legs.."

35 squats
35 knees to elbows
35 squats
35 situps
35 lunges
35 squats
3 X for time


Click on the pic below to see the ladies in action! Also, we had a special guest today..Mikey. Mikey is 6 yrs old and is the son of Stephen's client, Blanca. Mikey is an inspiration and proof that there is hope for the future. He embraced the Cindy style WOD that Stephen created for him. This kid loves pullups!!

March 28th

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 26th "Short and sweet"

1. Cals 2X

2. skill work
push jerk

3. "Short and sweet"

5 push jerk (heavy)
10 burpees

5 X for time

Carrie 6:29
Stephen 6:16

March 26th

March 25th "Couplet Count Down"

1. Cals 2X

2. Frog Jumps
Walking Lunges
25 ft each
3 X

3. Mile run for time

4. "Couplet Count Down"

Strict Press
Jumping Squats
Once Through For Time

Evelyn 9:57, 2:49
Denese 13:58, 3:42

Monday, March 23, 2009

1. cals

2. russian twists w/med ball
30 sec work/30 sec rest
5 X

3. "Looking Back"
21 back/hip extensions
14 push ups
7 pull up
7 X For Time


Click the pic below for todays WOD

March 23rd Looking Back

Saturday, March 21st

Robb Wolf Nutrition Certification
Austin, Tx CrossFit Central

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19th

1. cals 2x

2. skill work double unders

3. "Double Dutch"
20 push jerks
40 DBL unders
5 X For Time

Mike 24:24 S
Bobby V 24:50 S
Elaina 21:35 S/DBL
Denese 18:38
Patti 12:41
Tammy 15:24 S (Mastered the DBL Under today!)

Click pic below to view today's work....
Misc March1

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 18th "The Count Down"

1. cals 2x

2. planks
r,c,l, russian leg raise
3 x 30 sec intervals

3. "The Count Down"
thrusters,burpees,knees to elbows
once through for time


March 18th 2

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday March 17th "Happy Murph"

1. cals 2x


3. "Murph"

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Modified 1/2 Murph

1/2 mile run
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 squats
1/2 mile run

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16th

Spring Break has come and gone and the summer is quickly approaching, are you where you want to be physically? It is so important ot take your health and fitness seriously. Time goes by so quickly and tomorrow never comes...so, if you are the person that always puts off till tomorrow the workout you should do today you will not reach your fitness goals whatever they maybe! Live for today and use your body as it was designed to be used...to do WORK! The WOD's are hard and it is easy to miss day....after day...after day until weeks, months, even years go by. Seize the day and the WOD! You only get one body and one lifetime...make the best of everything you have been given.

1. Cals 2x

2. PVC Work
5 pass throughs
10 OH Lunges
15 OHS
3 X

3. "Shakey Legs"
20 box jumps
15 OH Squats
3 X For Time

Elaina 5:33
Tammy 7:20

Click the pic below to see who seized the day!
Monday March 16th

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14th "Billy.....are you ok?"

1. cals 2x

2. frog jumps 25 ft
walking lunges 25ft
3 X

3. "Billy...are you ok?"

3 Hang squat clean
6 push ups
9 squats
AMRAP 3 min
1 min rest
5 Rounds

Denese 3 1/3, 3, 4, 4, 4 2/3
Billy 3, 2 1/3, 2 1/3, 2, 2 1/3

March 14th

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Friday the 13th"

Here it is Friday and I was just looking at the blogspot realizing I have not posted since Monday. Where does the time go? I suppose I could blame the rainy, cold weather or say that I have been busy with a very important project....but...no. I have just been caught up in all the activity around TBC that I totally forgot about updating the blogspot! For those of you who endured Spring Break and overcame the cold to come out and do the WOD's this week I personally commend you for your perseverance and dedication! I will get the site up to date today...I promise!

MIsc march

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9th "Manic Monday"

Summer is approaching quickly are you where you want to be when bathing suit weather rolls around? If so, keep up the hard work...if not...we can help. Stop in and check out what CrossFit has to offer. If you sign up now you might be ready for that itty, bitty, teeny, weeny, yellow polka dot bikini!

We offer unlimited classes as well as programs for two or three days a week. At TBC CrossFit we have a plan for every BODY and every BUDGET!

Click the pic below to view todays "Manic Monday!"

1. cals 2x
jumping jacks
ski jumpers
sit ups

2. partner slam ball
4 30 sec work sets
4 rest sets alternating

3. "Manic Monday!"
400 m run
25 thrusters
15 pull ups
3 X For Time

March 9th

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7th "Child's play"

March 7th Child's Play

March 6th "The great outdoors!"

Today we took the workout outside. It was a beautiful day and all the TBC Crossfitters put forth their best effort! Bob Schultz joined our team today and experienced his first Crossfit WOD. Bob has an extensive running background so he did very well for a newbee. This guy will be hard to beat on any WOD with a large amount of running! Great work Bob!

1. Cals 2x

2. Skill work Turkish getups

3. "The great Outdoors!"
400m run
50 squats
50 kettlebell swings
3 x for time

Becky 14:18
Rodney 17:00
Holly 18:26
Carrie 14:44
Bob 9:11 (modified 25 squats 25 KBS)
Amber 14:18
Tammy 15:05
March 6th The great outdoors!

Friday, March 6, 2009

March 5th "Hail to the lunge"

1. cals 2X

2. Planks
R,C.L, leg raises
4 x 30 sec intervals

3. "Hail to the lunge.."
100 ft lunges
21 pull ups
21 sit ups
100 ft lunges
18 pull ups
18 sit ups
100 ft lunges
15 pull ups
15 lunges
100 ft lunges
12 pull ups
12 sit ups
100 ft lunges
9 pull ups
9 sit ups
100 ft lunges
6 pull ups
6 sit ups

Once through for time

Michelle 13:04
Elaina 12:16
Rodney 19:16
Becky 13:04
Naomi 15:40
Tammy 12:43
Denese 18:31
Katy 13:46

Click below to see todays lungers in action!
March 5th

March 4th "Breath in...breath out.."

We tried a new 400m route today instead of running circles around the building. Everyone seemed to like it much better, so this will be our new 400m course. I want to commend Mike...you did a great job Magic Man! Keep pushing! Good Times!

1. Cals 2x

2. PVC work
pass throughs
OH lunges
oh squats

3. "Breath in ...breath out.."

400m run
21 push press
400m run
18 push press
400m run
15 push press
400m run
12 push press
Once For Time (perscribed weight 115 lbs)

Mike 13:56
Stephen 11:25 *
Rodney 15:26
Elaina 12:40

Click pic below to view todays heavy breathers....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 3rd "Barbara"

1. cals 2x

2. "Barbara"
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

5 rounds(each round is timed)
3 min rest between rounds
(This WOD had everyone crying!)
Best round Time
Evelyn 3:13
Stephen 2:51
Becky 3:14
Holly 4:21
Francses 4:43
Stacy 4:33
Diana 3:56
Neomi 3:57
Denese 4:10
Allen 4:03
Feb 3rd

March 2nd

1. CALS 2x

2. Planks
4 X

3. Skill work (deadlifts, cleans, push jerk)

4. "W.O.D."
15 Deadlifts
12 power cleans
8 front squats
6 push jerks

5 X For Time

Evelyn 11:42
Rodney 17:04
Becky 8:11
Elaina 10:08
Tammy 14:32
Denese 16:13

Feb 2nd

Monday, March 2, 2009

Feb 28th "Walk in the park"

1. 1 mile run for time

2. cals
jumping jacks
shuffle splits
push ups
sit ups
samson stretch
3 X For time

3. "Walk in the Park"
10 ring dips
15 wall ball
20 DBL unders
5 X For time

Holly 12:07/11:58
Rachel 12:02/8:41
Stephen 7:40/8:01

Click pic below to view all pics!
Great work crew...way to push!
Feb 28th