Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9th "Manic Monday"

Summer is approaching quickly are you where you want to be when bathing suit weather rolls around? If so, keep up the hard work...if not...we can help. Stop in and check out what CrossFit has to offer. If you sign up now you might be ready for that itty, bitty, teeny, weeny, yellow polka dot bikini!

We offer unlimited classes as well as programs for two or three days a week. At TBC CrossFit we have a plan for every BODY and every BUDGET!

Click the pic below to view todays "Manic Monday!"

1. cals 2x
jumping jacks
ski jumpers
sit ups

2. partner slam ball
4 30 sec work sets
4 rest sets alternating

3. "Manic Monday!"
400 m run
25 thrusters
15 pull ups
3 X For Time

March 9th

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