Friday, February 27, 2009

Feb 27th "Change!"

Change is constant and it should always be for the better. That takes focus and a desire to get beyond your current state. Anybody that want to improve their current level of fitness can, it just takes heart!

Being Fit carries into other areas of your life. Awareness of yourself and elevation of your own potential comes from many different arenas. When I see someone who is striving for greater fitness, I know much more about their approach towards improvement in other areas. I also know that it will be more likely for them to excel greatly in those areas.

Developing A sense of Self Mastery truly must start with a foundation of your physical well being.

Today we did a Fight Gone Dab style WOD. Its is comprised of 5 exercises performed for 1 min each then a 1 min rest...3 rounds. One would not think 15 mins of work could be so hard!

1. Cals 3x

2. strict press 1 min max

3. "Change!"

push press
wall ball
ring rows

one min of work...with a running clock
count reps for a total each round
followed on one min rest
repeted 3 X

Becky 44/371
Carrie 34/459
Denese 41/351

Feb 26th "Over your head..."

1. cals 3 x
sissor jacks
high knees
fast feet
samson stretch

2. max rep jumping squats
1 min clock

3. "Over your head.."
10 OH Squats
10 Box Jumps
200m run
3 X for time

Evelyn 50/ 11:45
Becky 60/8:48 (Highest number of Jump Squats!)
Katie 42/10:22 (Best female time WOD done as perscribed!)
Patti 38/10:04
Tammy 42/9:26

Feb 26th

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb 25th " Shakey Legs"

At first glance it looks like a rugged cannon ball spouting a handle. It is called a kettlbell. It is an unsuspecting tool that is toning and shaping many people's bodies in ways they didn't think possible.
Kettlebells are popping up in gyms around the globe and have gained recent fame on "E Entertainment" and Men's Health Magazine from athletes and celebrities sharing their training "secrets", known to the rest of us, as Kettlebell Training.
"I would say the biggest benefit of kettlebell training is that you gain strength without gaining weight. This type of training allows you to get the most potential at your current body weight. You get strong and hard and ketlebells give you a powerful punch." says Chris Hartwell, Kettlebell Coach.
Despite their recent fame, many people may not know that kettlebells have a lengthy history. As far as researchers can determine, kettlebells were first seen in a Russian dictionary in 1704. The Russian army readied its troops for battle using the kettlebell and strongmen and weightlifters in Tsarist Russia were called a "girevik" or "a kettlebell man".
It has been said that the simple kettlebell is so powerful a tool it has the ability to support all modalities of training. It can be used for sport specific training and will produce world class results. In 1983 Voropayev, a man who studied "kettlebell men", tested two groups of subjects in 4 exercises: pullups, a standing broad jump, a 100m sprint, and a 1k run. The control group trained using a program that emphasized the above exercises; the experimental group only trained with kettlebells. The result - the kettlebell group scored better in every one of the exercises.
Kettlebells are used by people of all ages and for many different reasons.This February Lance Armstrong was featured in Men's Health magazine using kettlebells as a part of his training. Some train with kettlebells to gain lean muscle, while others to slim down and lose body fat, and some use kettlebell to train for a a specific sport or goal. For example, kettlebell training can be used to train for a triathlon, marathon, decrease back pain, or to become faster and stronger in a particular sport
"I think Kettlebell Training is a great class to add to your regular fitness routine. If you're already in a boot camp or CrossFit class and are looking to take things up a notch you should look at adding a kettlebell class." Chris Hartwell.

1. Cals 3 X
sissor jacks
high knees
sit ups
samson stretch
30 sec intervals

2. superman
leg raises
30 sec intervals
30 sec rest
4 X

3. Skill work Deadlifts

4. "Shakey Legs"
75 deadlifts
once for time

Stephen 225 lb 7:38
Holly 65 lb 6:02
Becky 65 lb 3:30
Denese 65 lb 9:09
Carrie 135 lb 6:32

Feb 25th

Feb 25th2

Feb 24 th "Helen"

1. cals 3x

2. planks
r,c,l, glute bridge
30 sec intervals
3 X

3. "Helen"
400 m run
12 pull ups
3 X For Time

Elaina 14:45
Evelyn 15:54
Diana 16:13
Denese 20:19
Neomi 19:15
Tammy 16:45
Frances 14:55

Click pic below to view all pics..
Feb 24th Helen

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 23rd "Renagade"

1. Cals X 3

2. TABATA sit- ups

3. "Renagade"

20 weighted lunges
15 thrusters
10 renagade rows (each arm)

5 X For time (M 3 x)

Holly 9/ 9:18 M Great effort Holly...keep coming back!
Becky 9/11:54
Tammy 10/10:05
Denese 8/6:40 M

click pic below to view all pics...
Feb 23rd

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb 20th "Snatch"

Today was Becky's first offical WOD after completing her Elements class. Great job Becky! We are glad to have you as a part of the TBC CrossFit community! Keep up the good work!

1. cals 3x

2. frog jumps
crab walks
3 x

3. "Snatch"

10 Barbell Snatch
20 Burpees
3 X For Time

Evelyn 8:05
Becky 11:50
Tammy 7:31
Holly 7:10
Patti 5:35

Click pic below to veiw all pics....

Feb 19th " Lets Run!"

1. Cals 3x

2. partner slamball
30 sec work
pass to partner
3 x

3. "Let's Run!"
100 m run
50 push ups
50 dips
50 sit ups
200 m run
40 push ups
40 dips
40 sit ups
300 m run
30 push ups
30 dips
30 sit ups
400 m run
20 push ups
20 dips
20 sit ups

Once For Time
Elaina 19:47
Evelyn 24:15
Allen 35:12*
Diana 25:52
Neomi 28:25
Denese 29:42
Stephen 21:43*

Click pic below to veiw all pics
Feb 19th Let's Run!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb 18th "Count Down"

1. sissor jacks
ski jumpers
samson stretch
30 sec intervals
2 rounds

2. Planks
R,C,L situps, leg raises
30 sec intervals
3 rounds
3. "Count Down"
barbell snatch
OH Squats
Once for time
Elaina 8:11

Modified WOD
Box Jumps
Knees to Elbows
30 sec work
1 min rest
7 rounds (count reps each round for total)
Mike 199
Bonnie 221
Holly 188
Evelyn 257
Denese 167
Michael 233
Click pic below to view all pics...
Feb 18th Count Down

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb 17th "Filthy Fifty"

WE have our shirt desing finally and we will be taking pre-orders for the shirts in the office for the next week or so. Once we get a handle on who wants what we will place the order. So, before the WOD come in and order your shirt. If you wait until after you might forget....
We had a great effort today and Denise completed her first offical WOD..great work Denise. We will be following your progress. I feel you have the drive to accomplish great success.

1. sissior jacks
ski jumpers
mountain climbers
30 sec int 3 X
2. "Filthy Fifty"
50 Jumps
50 pull-ups
50 KBS
50 K to E
50 walking lunges
50 push press
50 Back Ext
50 wall ball
50 burpees
50 DBL unders
(modified is 25 reps and 100 single jump rope)

Diana 13:39 M
Neomi 14:24 M
Stacy 11:50 M
Frances 12:20 M
Patti 10:55 M
Tammy 14:15 M
Denise 14:57 M
Robert 29:23 M(only the jump rope was modified)

Click pic below to view all pics...

Feb 17th Filthy Fifty

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16th

World Class Fitness In 100 Words
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean & jerk, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.

"Fran's step-sister"

1. sissor jacks
shuffle splits
ski jumpers
pogo jumps
samson stretch

2. 2 min max

3. "Fran's step sister"
once for time

Bonnie 47/51/6:30
Mike 70/59/7:05
Elaina 59/56/5:27
Holly 20/33/7:04
Andy 46/63/7:05
Tammy 39/51/6:12
Robert 64/76/6:15
Click on pic below to view all pics....
Feb 16th Fran's step-sister

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15th "Texas Mavericks"

1. sissor jacks
high knees
fast feet
windmill stretch
30 sec intervals 3x
2. Tabata squats

3. "Texas Mavericks"
10 tires Jumps
25 yrd sprint
10 burpees
25 yrd sprint
5 rounds for time

Chris 9/7:58
Jerry 16/6:19
Sal 11/6:34
Ivan 10/18:33
Click pic below to view all pics!

Feb 15th

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feb 14th "Cindy"

Happy Valentines Day..can you feel the love? We love Cindy!

1. sissor jacks
flutter kicks
samson stretch
3 X for Time

2. PVC Work
10 pass throughs
10 alternating lunges
10 OHS

3. "Cindy"
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

AMRAP 20 min

Rachel 18 (Great Effort!)
Jimmy 12 1/3
Allen 11
Chris 11 2/3
Natalie 16
Jay 6 2/3
Click pic below to view all pics!
Fed 13th

Feb 12th "Lucky 7"

1. sissor jacks
flutter kicks
samson stretch

2. L-Sit 10sec on 10 sec rest
5 rounds

3. "Lucky 7"

7 clean&jerk (each hand)
7 OHL (each hand)
7 pull ups
7 X For Time

Carrie 17:08
Stephen 16:16
Andy 14:43

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb 11th "Kris Kross Applesauce"

1. Cals
jumping jacks
flutter kicks
samson stretch
30 sec intervals 3 X

2. Tabata Push Press

3. "Kris Kross Applesauce"
Modified Perscribed
150 single/50 double unders
25 Extensions/50 Extensions
25 GHD Sit ups/50 GHD sit ups
3 X For Time

Elaina 11/25:01
Holly 10/23:28 M
Denise 7/ 20:35 M
Andy 8/29:27 M
Patti 10/24:14 M

click pic below to view all pics
Feb 11th

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feb 10th "Seeing Stars"

1. cals 3 X
jumping jacks
side to side
push ups
samson stretch

2. Skill Work

3. "Seeing Stars"
5 burpees
10 pull ups
15 box jumps
20 squats
5 X for time

Rodney 14:10 3x

Click pic below to view all pics!
Great effort Rodney!
Feb 10th

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feb 9th " Elaina loves to clean"

1. cals 3x

2. Cleans--Skill work

3. "Elaina loves to clean"

45 sit ups
30 hanging cleans
200m run
5 X for time

Rodney 37:14 45 lbs
Holly 33:12 15 lbs
Elaina 31:16 55 lbs
Mike (4 rounds)
Andy 28:47 65 lbs
Patti 26:15 15lbs
Will 10:55 M
Carrie 26:49 65lb
Stephen 25:21 95 lbs

Click pic below to veiw all pics!
Feb 9th

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jan 5th "100 Plus"

Just a friendly reminder that there will be no Saturday classes this weekend. Stephen and I are going to the CrossFit Affiliate gathering in Austin. We will be back to regularly scheduled classes Monday Feb 9th. Have a great weekend!

1. jumping jacks
mountain climbers
push ups
samason stretch

2. Bottom to Bottom
Tabata Squats

3. "100 Plus"
25 push ups
25 KBS
25 hollow rocks
25 Knees to Elbows
2 X For Time

Elaina 12/8:57
Rodney 7/10:38
Stephen /9:28

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 4th "No Name"

1. jumping jacks
high knees
tuck jumps
samaon stretch
3 X 30 sec intervals

2. 5 pass throughs
10 OH lunges
15 OH squats
3 X
3. "No Name"
21 Deadlifts
21 push press
run 400 m
15 deadlifts
15 push press
run 400m
9 deadslifts
9 push press
run 400m
Once For Time

Elaina 14:17
Bobby V 14:01
Holly 22:28
Rodney 21:28

Click pic below to view all pics!

Jan 4th

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a RANT.....

Why CrossFit? What is CrossFit?

Contemporary fitness doctrine is unable to help us reach our innate athletic potential. It has isolated us in a single direction - slow and steady exercise is "safe" and everything else is dangerous, high carb & low fat is ideal, women will “bulk up” if they lift weights, and the list goes on and on and on and on....

We have also been isolated from each other as individuals. We go to the gym and we plug into our headphones with the TV in front of our treadmill, and right back into self-isolation. We really want group interaction, an opportunity to get to know others, and be part of a team again, but we don’t know how to get it! The conventional gym does not, and will not provide it. Visit your mega-fitness center and see what we mean.

One by one, we see people are waking up, canceling their globo gym memberships, and are coming over to CrossFit.

CrossFit is a back-to-basics strength and conditioning program. It combines constant variation, intensity, and functional movements in Workouts-of-the-Day (WOD's) to produce dramatic changes in strength, stamina, and body shape. We don’t use isolation machines and the most abundant and important strength and conditioning tool at our facility is open space. We employ dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, olympic lifting, pull up bars, joint mobility,tumbling, sandbags, tires, and anything else that will increase strength and freedom in your everyday movements.

TBC CrossFit is a community. When you join TBC CrossFit, you are enrolling in a complete program with a community of like-minded individuals who will challenge you and support you in your growth. It is much more than just a workout!

Feb 3rd "Michael Phelps"

When we posted this WOD on the white board the response from the athletes was..."Are you HIGH?" So naturally, the WOD was named accordingly!Great job Michael! You make America proud! As for the clints at TBC they got smoked too!

1. jumping jacks
jumping squats
push ups
samson stretch
3 X 30 sec intervals

2. Planks
R-C-L leg raises, russian twists
3 X 30 sec intervals 30 sec rest

3. "Michael Phelps"

4 KB Thrusters
4 KBPP (push press)
4 KBS (over head)
4 KBGS (goblet squats)
4 KBSDHP (sumo deadlift high pull)
4 X For time
(2 min rest)
Burpee to Box Jump
1 X For time

Andy 4:53/10:31
Greg 4:17/
Tammy 3:45/7:02
Katie 3:44/5:30
Patti 4:57/

Click pic below to view all pics!
Feb 3rd

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feb 2nd "Karen"

1. jumping jacks
high knees
jumping squats
samson stretch

3 X For Time

2. "Karen"
150 Wall Ball Shots

1 X For Time

Holly 10:47 4 lb
Eliana 8:26 8 lb
Andy 11:24 20 lb*
Robert 7:16 12 lb
Tammy 7:31 6 lb

Click pic below to view all pics!

Feb 2nd

Feb 1st "Kelly at CrossFit Central"

Stephen, Patti, and I traveled to Austin, Texas around 1pm today to get some schooling from the pros at Crossfit Central. We meet with Big Mike or Michael Gregory as you may know him to set some insight into their elements programs and learn more about the internal structure of CrossFit Central. After about an hour of talking Mike looked at Stephen and said, "So, you wanna work out?" The answer was yes and the WOD was Kelly!

400m run
30 box jumps
30 wall ball

5 X for time

Stephen 27:20 24in Box 20 lb ball
Carrie 30:27 20in Box 14 lb ball
Big Mike 29:58 24in Box 20 lb ball
Patti 15:58 10 in box 6 lb ball (3x)