Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a RANT.....

Why CrossFit? What is CrossFit?

Contemporary fitness doctrine is unable to help us reach our innate athletic potential. It has isolated us in a single direction - slow and steady exercise is "safe" and everything else is dangerous, high carb & low fat is ideal, women will “bulk up” if they lift weights, and the list goes on and on and on and on....

We have also been isolated from each other as individuals. We go to the gym and we plug into our headphones with the TV in front of our treadmill, and right back into self-isolation. We really want group interaction, an opportunity to get to know others, and be part of a team again, but we don’t know how to get it! The conventional gym does not, and will not provide it. Visit your mega-fitness center and see what we mean.

One by one, we see people are waking up, canceling their globo gym memberships, and are coming over to CrossFit.

CrossFit is a back-to-basics strength and conditioning program. It combines constant variation, intensity, and functional movements in Workouts-of-the-Day (WOD's) to produce dramatic changes in strength, stamina, and body shape. We don’t use isolation machines and the most abundant and important strength and conditioning tool at our facility is open space. We employ dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, olympic lifting, pull up bars, joint mobility,tumbling, sandbags, tires, and anything else that will increase strength and freedom in your everyday movements.

TBC CrossFit is a community. When you join TBC CrossFit, you are enrolling in a complete program with a community of like-minded individuals who will challenge you and support you in your growth. It is much more than just a workout!

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