Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jan 31st "Angie"

Angie is a killer! The pull ups are by far the worst!

1. jumping jacks
jumping squats
push ups
sit ups
samson stretch
3 X

2. "Angie"
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

*Advanced as perscribed complete one series before moving to the next.

S Scaled you can break down the exercises into sets of 5, 10, or 20.

B Beginner break the exercises in half (50) of each in sets.

Patti 21:44 s
Carrie 14:44 s
Stephen 15:37 *
Jimmy 12:06 B
Rachel 14:50 s

Click pic below to see all pics.
Jan 31st

Jan 30th "Whirlwind"

Just wanted to take a moment to say "Hey" to our Crossfit family overseas, Kelly Seevers. Kelly has safely landed at his final destination in Afghanistan somewhere. He repoeted to me yesterday that he is following the TBC Blog and doing the WOD's as well as he can with improvosions based on availabilty of equipment. So this WOD will be a challenge. Here ya go Kelly! Have fun. Work hard! Be safe!

1. Skillwork Double Unders

2. 2 min max weighted situps

3. "Whirlwind"
25 walking lunges
20 pull ups
50 box jumps
20 double unders
25 ring dips
20 Knees to Elbows
30 KBS
30 situps
20 HSC
25 back extensions
30 wall ball

Once for Time

Evelyn 31/14:12
Rodney 31/18:52
Fran 36/17:04
Robert 64/14:28
Carrie 62/12:49
Stephen 67/12:41

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29th "Elizabeth"

You may have noticed that there are two posts for Thursday the 29th. It is because I have been posting entries the day after they actually occur and the computer is smarter than I am! I will do better to keep things current....I Promise...and I will pay the 10 burpee penality! Ha!

1. Skill work

2. "Elizabeth"
Cleans 135
Ring Dips
Once for Time

Elaina 4:59 bar
Andy 5:01 65 lbs (Hang squat cleans)

Click the pic below to view all pics
Jan 30th
"We are what we repetedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit."

1. 1/2 mile run for time

2. Planks
R,C,L, sit ups
4 X 30 sec intervals

3. "Striving for EXCELLENCE"

10 Wall Ball
10 Push Ups
10 KBS
AMRAP 10 Min

Evelyn 6:43/8 1/3
Holly 7:30/7 2/3
Rodney 5:49/ 6 1/3
Elaina 4:29/ 9
Tammy 4:27/ 10
Andy 3:10/ 9 1/3 Way to smoke that 1/2 mile!!

Click pic below to view all pics!
Jan 28th

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan 27th "OH MY GOODNESS!"

1. Jumping Jacks
Push ups
Sit ups
Samson Stretch
3 X 30 sec int

2. KB chest press (from the floor)

40 Pull ups
50 KBS
60 Sit ups
70 Burpees

Once through for Time
Modified 1/2 reps with altered push ups

Carrie 12/15:45
Stephen 7/15:23
Patti 9/
Jan 26,27

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 26th "Firebreather"

1. Jumping Jacks
Samson Stretch
3 X 30 sec intervals

2. Push/Pull
30 sec ring push ups
30 sec ring dips
3 X max reps

3. "Firebreather"
15-1 Thrusters
1-15 SDHP
Once for Time

Evelyn 13:58 M
Andy 16:21*
Carrie 14:16*
Elaina 13:02 M
Holly 6:54 M
Rodney 6:55 M
Bonnie 13:25*
Tammy 15:49*

Click on the pic below to view all pics!

Jan 26-27

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan 24th "Pick Your Poison"

1. Frog Jumps 20 ft
Duck Walks 20 ft
3 X

2. 5 Pass Thru
10 Alt Lunges Steps
15 OH Squats
3 X

"Pick Your Poison"

400m Run
80 Sit ups
70 Walking lunges
60 KBS
50 Slamball
40 Box Jumps
30 KB Good Mornings
20 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
500 m Run

Once Through For time
In order of your choice

Carrie 23:08
Patti 28:20 M
Rachel 24:28
Allen 28:23 M
Greg 31:59

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jan 23rd "Balls of fury"

1. Mile run for time

2. Jumping Squats
Push ups
Back extennsions
Samson Stretch
3 x 30 sec int

3. "Balls of Fury"

5 KB Clean & Press (each side)
10 Single arm OH lunges (each side)
20 Slamballs

5 X For time

Elaina 9:51/14:43 20 lbs
Robert /14:23 25 lbs
Andy 8:42/14:57 20 lbs
Mike 9:13/16:10 35 lbs
Carrie 8:44/11:44 35 lbs
Stephen 7:40/13:25 60 lbs
Jan 23rd

Jan 22nd "Annie"

Their are many examples of people who took up exercise and markedly changed their appearance. But how long does it take? How much time and effort are required? Six weeks? Six months? A year?
Genetic difference aside, it takes a significant period of training. Six months is a good rule of thumb. That is with regular strength and conditioning training and a drastic change in diet in most cases. Yes, you can change the way you look. You can improve your health. You can even reverse some common diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and high is consistency over time. You can not change your body overnight, or in 2 weeks, or whatever the latest diet scam claims. It takes hard, consistent work! So, stop looking for the quick, easy solution...There is not one! Bottom line...NO SHORT CUTS!

Click the pic below to view todays WORK!
Jan 22nd

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21st "Bodyweight Fran"

1. High Knees
Tuck Jumps
Samson Stretch
30 sec int 4 x

2. Tabata Push-Ups

3. "Bodyweight Fran"

Once For Time

Evelyn 9/5:58
Elaina 10/5:53
Stephen /4:43
Tammy 9/7:50
Carrie 10/7:18
Andy 4/9:52

Jan 20th "Heartfelt"

"Where is your HEART?"
The outcome of both sports competition and actual combat are decided largely by one's mental attitude. To be sure, superior firepower, whether physical or technical is a determining factor but the "heart" governs the application of resources, which makes spirit the most powerful force on the field. Acquiring the spirit necessary to win, which includes a positive acceptance of pain is difficult in a society where comfort is more highly regarded than capacity, where genuine physical fitness is the norm for less than 15% of the population. A visit to any normal gym that is open to the public offers an idea of what modern society thinks it means to be fit; magazines are read while "running" or "biking," weights are lifted by isolated muscles, often in a seated position, intensity is distinctly lacking, and "aerobics" classes are nothing more than jumping jacks set to music. Modern fitness is defined by appearance rather than actual horsepower. A training environment contaminated by this attitude cannot produce superior fitness, physical or mental. (compliments of Gym Jones)

1. High Knees
Tuck Jumps
Samson Stretch
30 sec int 4x

2. Sit ups
Back extensions
30 sec int 4x

3. "Heartfelt"
400m Run
21 KBS
12 Knees to Elbows
4 X for time

Michelle 22:13/25 lbs
Bonnie 19:17/20 lbs
Andy 17:19/35 lbs
Stephen 19:30/50 lbs
Greg 18:20/35 lbs M

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jan 17th "10 to WIN"

1. High Knees
Tuck Jumps
Samson Stretch
4x 30 sec intervals

2. Jump squats
max reps 1 min

3. "10 to WIN"
10 ring dips
10 thrusters
10 pull ups

10 x For Time

Andy 29/20:26 m
Holly 20/18:23 m
Greg 36/
Stephen 62/19:28 *
Tammy 34/13:30 m

Jan 17th "Heavy Fran"

Stephen was the only attendee at at 9am class this am so....I decided he needed to get WORKED! Heavy FRAN is 135lb thrusters coupled with 45 lb weighted pulls ups 21-15-9. WOW! He did it...he nearly died, but he did it! Great work Big Stevie!

1. Cals 2x

2. Thruster warm-up

3. "Heavy FRAN"
135 lb Thruster
45 lb weighted pull-ups

One round for Time

Stephen 12:36

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jan 16th "Frantic Friday"

1. Cals 2x
2. Planks R-C-L leg raises
4x 30 sec intervals
3. "Frantic Friday"

10 Burpees
20 Box Jumps
30 push ups
40 squats
50 Lunges

3 x For Time

Eliana 20:15
Mike 25:287
Andy 24:48

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jan 15th "Double Trouble"

Another great day at TBC Crossfit! Todays WOD made everyone appreciate their professions and very glad that they are not farmers.

1.) Cals (30 sec intervals)3x
jumping jacks
shuffle splits
push ups
sit ups
samson stretch

2.) Tabata Sit-ups

3.) "Double Trouble"
15 KBS (using 2 bells)
15 Thrusters (using 2 bells)
100m Farmers Walk (carrying 2 bells)
5 rounds for TIME

Michelle 12/ 9:10 m
Evelyn 7/9:33 m
Bonnie 13/8:47 m
Andy 9/16:00
Jeff 8/9:44 m
Tammy 8/ 16:20

Great Work..Keep coming works if YOU work!

Jan 14th "Frangelica"

We had an awesome group of CrossFitters today! The camera was on the blink again...Ok I forgot to charge the battery so we do not have pictures of everyone but we had a great turn out. If things continue to grow as they are we will be moving the crossfit aspect of TBC into a 3000 sq ft space next door. We are in the market for several Concept II rowers and have on order new...bigger....better pull up bars! Fun Fun Fun!! Anyway, keep coming and bring your friends!

1. Cals 2x
2. frog jumps/duck walks 4x
3. W.O.D.
Front squats
Strict Press
Overhead Squats

For Time

Michelle 9:42
Elaina 9:40
Andy 10:10
Holly 11:13
Robert 6:45
Jeff 11:22
Tammy 7:03
Evelyn 10:28

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 13th "Vanwinkle.."

Sorry for the delayed post. I had a late night at the studio and did not finish my last tortute session until 9:30 pm. No, that is not whinning...I am happy to stay and dispurse misery until there is no one left to receive it. We have been building momentum and our client base is quickly growing as are the CrossFit classes. Everyone who walks through the door and gives Crossfit a try walks, crawls, or is carried away but, they always come back for more! I love this stuff! It is the REAL DEAL! So, if you want a taste of can be humbling...embrace the challenge and join us!

Today's WOD "Vanwinkle" is a named WOD developed for our very own KELLY Vanwinkle Seevers. It contains all the exercises that Kelly truly loves...RUNNING, BOX JUMPS, and WALL BALL. Kelly is leaving for Afganistan tomorrow and we could not send him away without letting him do all the CrossFit exercise that he so enjoys!! Bye Kelly, STAY SAFE...see ya in four months!

1. Cals 2x
2. Planks r-c-l leg raises 4x
400m run
30 box jumps
30 wall ball
5 Rounds For Time

Andy 7:35/17:11/26:24/35:25/44:54 (way to push Andy!)
Kelly 6:34/13:35/21:33/29:31/37:12
Stephen 4:58/10:32/16:00/21:45/27:11